Contact us


We’ll let you know how we can help within 1 working hour

That kind of service is why 95% of our client reviews recommend us

Your Details

Full Name *

Latest job title

Email *


Your Situation

Years employed *


Still employed *

Annual income *


Do you have a settlement
agreement document?


Want to leave job?

Brief description of case *


Required fields are marked *

Read about our hundreds of reviews here and read about our prices here

Natasha"“Thank you”"

"“I am very pleased with the way Hardeep Kular advised and helped me with my settlement agreement at work. She was very professional, friendly. And thorough with all the paperwork, I would use her again and also recommend highly. Thank you Natasha”"

Daniel"“Exceptionally professional”"

"“Monaco Solicitors went above and beyond my expectation, my employers were difficult but Hardeep managed to get me a handsome settlement. Hardeep was exceptionally professional, she was kind to listen and offer her excellent legal advice and gave me to options to decide and give instructions. Excellent solicitors.”"

Sangeetha"“Expert knowledge”"

"“Hardeep was brilliant! My case was slightly complex and she was able to guide me through all the nuances with great deal of professionalism and detail. Her knowledge and experience shone through at every stage of the process. It was a pleasure working with her and I have no hesitation in recommending Monaco and Hardeep.”"

Jennifer"“Excellent Service”"

"From start to finish great service and a great result by Helen and her team👍🏻"

Martin"“Exceptionally professional”"

"“Hardeep was brilliant! My case was slightly complex and she was able to guide me through all the nuances with great deal of professionalism and detail. Her knowledge and experience shone through at every stage of the process. It was a pleasure working with her and I have no hesitation in recommending Monaco and Hardeep.”"

Wayne"“Excellent Service”"

"From start to finish great service and a great result by Helen and her team👍🏻"

Most common questions

Employees only

We are unique in that we only represent employees, so you don’t have to worry about any conflicts of interest.

Do I have a case?

Our quick and easy to use virtual lawyer tool will provide you with an automated advice letter. The tool takes minutes to use and will outline the strengths of your case and much more for free.


We will always consider taking a case on a ‘no win no fee’ terms if possible. Whatever terms we offer you, Our fee structure is transparent and we will never bill you for any hidden costs. Visit our fees page to find out more.

Legal expenses insurance

You may have legal expenses insurance. For fees incurred in fighting your case in the Employment Tribunal, and in the case that you are covered by a legal expenses insurance policy, we are happy to act on the basis that your legal fees will be covered. Usually, the policy will cover all fees.

Free consultation

It’s simple to request a free consultation. One of our lawyers or caseworkers will be in touch as soon as possible to let you know if we can offer you one. This will depend on the strength of your case. If we are able to progress your enquiry, then we will also respond on the same day.

Lists of solicitors

If you need to have a settlement agreement reviewed and signed, your employer will pay the fee required for this. You can choose any solicitor you like, including Monaco Solicitors, even if we are not on your employer’s list. Your employer will still pay the signing fee.

When should Monaco get involved?

When negotiating it is best for us to be involved as early on in the process as possible, so we can guide you and get the best outcome for you. If we do not think that we can significantly increase a potential settlement amount, we will let you know during your free consultation.


If we are able to progress your enquiry, then we will respond on the same day. If you have not heard back from us within 1 working day, then we are likely still considering your case based on its merits, so rest assured we will update on the outcome by the following day.

How much should I get?

Try our settlement calculator to estimate the value of your potential settlement agreement. Our calculator uses the information you provide about your individual employment circumstances and about your dispute/legal case to calculate your estimated settlement agreement payment.

Withdrawing settlement offers

It’s very unusual for a company to decrease an offer which they’ve already made to an employee - that amount will normally go up, not down.


It’s important to know how to keep records of your dispute at work, and exactly what evidence is important to record.

Sick leave

If you feel too stressed to work then your GP should provide you with a sick note.


We are very experienced in Tribunal cases, but normally our preference is to settle before a case reaches the courts.

Next steps

Get in touch, and if we decide that we can assist you we will call you. If we can’t help we will send you an email to confirm this on the same day.

Contact details:

Tel: 020 7717 5259
Address: Monaco Solicitors, Level 24, The Shard, 32 London Bridge St, London SE1 9SG (meetings by appointment only)
Registered company no: 08487857
Registered office: Unit 502, Peckham Levels, 95a Rye Lane, London, SE15 4ST
Solicitors Regulation Authority ID no: 621671