Privacy Policy

    Monaco Solicitors takes your privacy extremely seriously and we follow the client confidentiality code as set out by the Solicitors Regulation Authority Handbook. In essence, this means that we do not pass your details to any external person at all for any reason.


    Data Protection

    We comply with the Data Protection Act and GDPR legislation. Any data collected to enable us to provide our service is fairly and lawfully processed; it is the bare minimum data necessary; it is not kept for longer than necessary, it is secure, and it is not submitted to any other organization. We have an SSL certificate which is why you see our web address as The part which says https:// means its a secure server and everything sent to and from the site is encrypted and its much harder for it to be hacked when travelling over the internet. In fact we use top of the range server technology to ensure that we are amongst the safest in the industry. Unlike many large corporations we have never been hacked (touch wood) and we continually strive to ensure our record stays unblemished in this regard.


    Cookie Policy

    Nowadays everyone has a cookie policy but no one really understands what they are. Cookies are small files of data held in your computer’s browser (eg Google Chrome or Internet Explorer).

    On example of cookie use is the use of  Google Analytics whereby Google measures things like numbers of visitors to the site and amount of time spent on site. We also track back user journeys through our website to see what they do. This is so that we can continuously improve our website.

    For example, if we spot a pattern whereby most people who eventually become our clients all spend a long time on a particular article or document page on our website, we then spend time improving that page. This benefits all employees because the information on our website is second to none. Rest assured, we will never release any of your data under any circumstances. If you wish to opt out of our Cookies policy just email us on


    Advertising Policy

    We do advertise using services such as Google Adwords and Bing which display two kinds of adverts. One is the simple advert at the top of the Google results page which you can click on to get to our website. Another is ‘display’ advertising, also known as ‘remarketing’. This means you may see our adverts on other websites which you visit. This is done by the use of a Cookie which your browser collects from our website and then it effectively tells the other website to display one of our adverts to you. Such Cookies are completely anonymous and not hold any personal data about you. If you wish to opt out of our advertising policy just email us on



    We like to keep employees posted about negotiation tips & hints, as well as employee rights updates which may affect you. To this end, if you have contacted us and given us your email address then we tend to send you a newsletter every month or so. If you wish to unsubscribe just click the button in the email or email us on on